To be a kid again, go outside and make a friend. To be a kid again.

If I could change one thing it would be the international network for communication around the globe, aka world wide web.

Too much marketing, to many sales pitches, and lies lies tell me sweet little lies. Everything is for sale.

What is your worth?

To be a kid again, it was funn. To be a kid.


The Avatar Inside

To light a fire and watch it burn. It only consumes what you feed it, once tamed.
A river controlled is lying damned; to go without hesitation, stay free flowing.

Full of destruction is a focused funnel of air, breathe and release. Anger and confusion, fear and sorrow, any cluster of held in emotions vortex.

Ground melts and can be molded, but remains are dense. You must push, use force and want for change.

Stay calm and focus, your intentions must be true, a clear mind with a heart ready to be broken, a desire with no quit!

Crush the coal! Light the Fire! Fan the Flames! Drink your water, we have people to feed.

To dance the dance, why wait?
What is your song?


As you breathe, each breath twisting and bending the air,
your sound…
In every blink, tight enough to squeeze rain from the clouds, secrets spill…
Deep silence in every inhale, stealing from the past tearing out the future, a building of force… Exhale!!! BREATHE!!! In Silence, All sounds are heard…. Your song.



Magic, It’s You

Make your own luck and create your own opportunities.


Art is just your self expression, what do you want?


In a dream I can fly; we took a plane to visit grandma.


How are You? A beauty in silence and we smile.


Emotionless, narrow minded, cold at heart, a misconception.


Thoughts from dreams turned reality, by Your Will.

I’m Late

I’m late, I’m late

Song blare, lights on

I’m late, I’m late

The party has started,

I’m not ready, ready or not;

I hope i look nice, I’m so late.