Hour Two – Robert Frost Poem

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep”

Secrets witnessed by foliage likely to keep

Cautiously, sliding and sweating I creep

The path to the cave incredibly steep

I stand at the mouth and quietly weep

Then I push the body in, starting with feet.


“The woods are lovely, dark and deep” Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
By Robert Frost (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/42891/stopping-by-woods-on-a-snowy-evening)

Hour One – “Water” prompt

Carefully collected

In my metal pots and bowls

The gentle rain of summer solstice


I offer a chalice

To my goddess the Morrigan

In thanks for lending me her strength


Three bowls for the cats

Named for Goddesses, All three

They’ve lost their taste for city water


A line of jars

Filled with fresh picked petals

I pour, for moon charged rose water


Don’t waste a drop

My plants drink the remains

And stretch, beginning a new growth cycle


I stand outside

Dancing in the summer downpour

This solstice, I shall do the same