Friend Lost

There’s no goodbye

Just awkward exits

Until we meet again

For again is too long to me

If i die today

Would you give me a second thought

For intimacy we shared

Came at acquaintance lost

What happened to your smile

The chuckle that carried through the air

A squeeze that never wanted to let me go

Has lost its hold

Fishing on the Isle

The things we find ourselves doing when walking in disobedience

Laughing out our misery

After hours, toasting about fleeting happiness

Making jack asses out of ourselves

On treasure island

The canvas of a soft moonlight

That quickly turns to amber murkiness

As dawn creeps upon us

Casting fishing lines into the sea of forgetfulness

Hoping to reel in a real sense of how it is to be a real girl or real boy

But the bait doesn’t seem to catch any hope at all

Only tugs that result in seaweed & debris

Good morning


Makes Sense

Positioned for the climax

When every passion is at its peak

Sometime the route is quick

Oftentimes it feels as if one is embarking towards the unknown

Or doing the opposite of what they say will be their end result

A going left to get right

Yet when given a vision

It may only be visible to dreamer in it’s logic

Foolishness to onlookers

Yet when the floods come

And your ship takes its sail

The fruition of your purpose

Booms in understanding



Watching You Sleep

As I lay here

I find amusement as I watch you sleep

Your eye lashes, thick and long

Play peek a boo

With eyes unaware, they’re the target

Of a gaze from a unloved lover

Who longs for the touch, the kiss of pure affection that can’t help but flow from love

Yet has settled for one night meaningless moments between mismatched souls

Potential unmet

Desires unfulfilled

But you’re here

Your snores fill this summer morning

The birds’ songs dissipate

Inside there’s a choke of the heart

O, the grasp of heartache

Something About Erin Elise

Words flatter

Words destroy

What difference can be made with the stroke of a pen

Or vibrations of vocal cords

I thank God for giving me the ability to express my feelings and yours through the gift of writing