2022 #4 – Rotting

Old, broken, and dilapidated.
Once upon a time,
producing beautiful music.

Now just a run down
memory of a past time.

A time long lost
and forgotten.

Barely a glimpse
of better times.

Left behind to
rot away to nothing.

All alone.

2022 #3 – My Love

Love, safety, warmth,
being with someone you love.

Happiness, content, passion,
dancing in the kitchen.

Glimmer, soulful, soft,
looking into your eyes.

Wonderful, amazing, calming,
spending time looking at your face.

Seeing the future we
have in store.

I love you with
all my heart.

2022 #2 – Ants: Hive Life

Collective mind,
a hive mind.

Working together,
everyone pulling their weight.

No job unimportant,
no one unneeded.

A perfect society,
a perfect life.

2022 #1 – Feelings

Pain, suffering, and anguish.
Memories from the past,
bad times long gone.

Happy, hopeful, and calm.
Living in the moment,
ready for the world.

Quiet, peaceful, and serene.
Thoughts of the future,
good times to come.


My name is James Featherstone, this is my second marathon. I only did a half last time. I am going to shoot for a full one this year, but not sure if I will be able to make it. Before last year’s marathon, it had been a long time since I had written anything. I had been neglecting many of my interests and last year I decided to do the things I like. It was very liberating for me to get back to writing. I am excited to join again this year and look forward to seeing what everyone contributes.

2021 #12 – Faux

Feathers of red, orange, and yellow.
Reborn from ashes yet again.
Comes to those who are loyal.
Taking to flight once more.
Maimed a Basilisk.
Tears of healing.
Immense strength.


2021 #10 – Beginings

A new year starts.
With the hope
of a new beginning.

New challenges with
new solutions.

Greater opportunities.
Chances for new
friends and time
with old friends.

Fresh starts all around.
Here's to new beginnings.

2021 #9 – Fall From Grace

What have I done?
Things used to be easier.

Where did I make
a wrong turn?
When did I 
fall so far?

Was it not yesterday,
that things were better?

Why did I let this
darkness grow,
take control of
my life, change me?

How does one let light
shine again into the soul?

When was the last time
the light touched my mind?

Lost with no direction.
A path once so clear,
now clouded by uncertainty.

Nowhere to go.

No one here.

Only one way
left, right?
Back to the light.

2021 #8 – To Fly

What it would be 
to fly through the open sky.
Wind in your face.
Freedom like no other.
Above the clouds,
the sun warming the soul.
Watching the creatures below.
Going about their lives.
Swoop down for a closer look.
Little creatures moving like ants.
Back above the clouds.
Where it is warm and safe.

2021 #7 – Normal

What is normal?
Conforming to the usual.
What is "usual"?
Who determines the "usual"?
Why do they get to say what is "usual"?

If I say what is normal,
how can anyone say I am abnormal?

Normal is subjective.
It is compliance to a standard.
What is normal for one,
may not be for another.

The only normal that
should be universal, 
is to be tolerant of
other peoples' normal.