Maroon Curtains

Its pure Maroon

Curtains are hung in every room

The house looks bright

Curtains seems right.


There length is long

Like the hours she spends at home

The color is dark

Like the nights she survived alone


They seem mysterious

Like the secrets about her life

They cover up spaces

Like she covers her aches.


The curtains are strong

Like her decisions are

She is proud of them

Like she is of her choices!

Find it

Read the newspaper

Open the door

Talk to people

hear the radio

Watch the T.V.


Black clouds





Broken Hearts

why so much hate?


What can we do?

How can we do?

Only one thing


While opening your heart

Be careful

Store only love


While giving something

Give Hope

Give love

Tell people

That only love

Can win over hatred


See the world

And find smiles

to store in your heart

To spread forward.

A Child

A child plays in the park,

Smiles at strangers

Laughs openly

You could see the cute dimples


Child is returning home now

Parents are friendly

Their kindness is in the child too


Looking at the child

made me think

How the kid

became a reflection of a family

How an image was sketched


Children are mirrors of our society

If you see a child alone

A child crying

A child begging

Ten think about your own steps

we as a society are going wrong


When you see a child

You see a mirror

It shows you

What you gave the world!

Hit Me Hard

Sitting in the chair

Waiting for you

To hit me hard,


Hard Enough

To make my mind swirl

To make my heart beat faster

To send me in a shock

To make me numb.


It should be hard enough

To send me somewhere else

Far Far away

Ina a different Place

Where no one knows my name

Where I could find peace

And when Ia find it

Hit me hard again


strong enough

To bring me back

This time to land on a page

I have a pen

Oh, my muse

Hit me hard

To write something

Which makes me amuse again!

The Killer

It came in dark,

Tried breaking the window.


He was huge

His shadow revealed

Eyes were red

They were angry.


He knocked the door

Then banged it loudly

Even tried to break it down.


He did whatever he could

To kill

And Finally I opened the door.


He stood in front of me

Ready to use his weapon

At that moment

I looked straight in his eyes

Raised my hand

Shouted at him to go away.


The self doubt left

He ran like scared creature

Never to come back!

What do you see?

Look at the sun,

What do you see?

The star,


Feel heat

or a motivator?

Which tells you

That one will always rise again!


Look at the moon

What do you see?

A lover,

A satellite

Feel nice

or strength ?

Which tells you

No matter how dark the night is

One is capable of lighting it up!


Look at the sky,

What do you see?

The blue color,



or possibilities ?

Which tells you

That the scope is infinite

One may dream anything

The opportunities are wide spread

Keep looking for them.


Look into your heart

What do you see

Your lover,


Some locked boxes

or hope?

Which tells you

That love and kindness are immense in it

Your love can overcome any hatred in the world

You must spread it

Because your love

Your heart

Can save the world!

New Way

There are many,

One path is crowded,

Another maybe stranded

And there is one more,

Which you will discover on your own.


Thinking that you lost it,

or its too late

Isn’t the solution,

Yes we must stand up

To open our own gates.


The way founded

Will be new and unique

We can craft it in our way

We could run at our own speed.


Though, don’t forget

Such path are invisible

They run among the crowd

They become our little secrets

until someone founds !

looking at it

The sun rises

Night has quietly left

The starts agreed

To remain covered

They don’t want the attention

They know

They will shine again.


Birds have started chirping a song

Telling the world

Look at the beautiful day

How bright it is

Something great can be done today


Clouds are gathering in the sky

Making way for the rain

she wants to visit again


I am looking at it all

While thinking

Its time to forget the pain..

For the sake of it

Don’t fake

You got late

Falling asleep

Was a bad take

Now you are behind

And you will find

Your courage and patience

Will make you brave!

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