Letter to Me


or should I call you Javier?

I don’t want to be too familiar.

But we have known each other

for as long as I can remember.

I don’t want to waste your valuable time.

And maybe you don’t have any for someone like me.

But I have to ask in hopes that you’ll hear.

What is it

that motivates


to write?



I play under

beech trees

as if boots

kicking me

are not real.

Your laughter

jars me more

than boots.

Leprechauns peek out

from the ferns.

I can’t decipher their words,

which drop to the ground

like bark from the beech.



Speaking to Stars

I speak to stars

which are brighter than the sun

which feels like an apple core

discarded in the withered field

that once was knee high before

the fourth of July

and now just mocks

who I could be.


One: I am thumbing through life.

Two: I point at you.

Three: Anger personified.

Four: Ringed with gold.

Five: In therapy for feeling so small.

Salty Seas

Lightning flash

thrashing seas

which swell and crash.

Salty seas

tastes the life

of Tomas y Maria.

Silhouettes, mannequins

of an indifferent God

who doesn’t seem to care.

Their wooden raft

creaks and floats,

lashed together by

who they want to be.

But no on seems to care.

Each crash and fall

pushing them away

from drowning in indifference.




test poem

I am testing a poem

half marathon / half poem

should I leave out the consonants or vowels?

The Marathon

Hi Everyone,
I’m  Harvey Schwartz and I’m a Techno-phobic.
It’s kinda like I just moved to a new town and know the basic route to get from my house to work…but get me a block away and I’m lost. That’s how I am with computers.
I don’t do any social media but I do take writing classes at Western WA University…which has forced me to learn the major streets…
But – I’m a little slow negotiating the curves of websites or blogs or whatever we are cyber sharing at this moment.
Somewhere – related to this event – I put a bio/statement of purpose that I’ve been playing with.
So – I’m gonna assume that you can read that if you’re interested.
And, either way I wrote a prep poem today that is listed below.
(And just to be honest and qualify my presence – it’s possible that a visit from an out of town son could derail this project for me – but I’d love to do it and hope that I can.)
I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with and how I deal with poetry fatigue.
Harvey Schwartz
                                The Marathon

Being in a poetry marathon is like being the nail.

And an overhead hammer is racing toward me
Like a clock that is slowly ticking – about to hit the next hour.

Or is it a flower petal that absorbs rays from the sun?
which is really my keyboard

that is clacking away

noisy sun

      petal to the metal

Or is it a chance to exercise?

stretch mind muscles to

throw instead of catch

As if all the world’s a stage…

     and I’m the understudy
     and he really did break a leg.
                             Harvey Schwartz
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