At this hour in time

At this hour in time

Rain is pelleting down

warm tea is welcome

on an autumn night


At this hour in time

Snow behind the window

Light aglow on the tree

Presents in a row


At this hour in time

When the day grows long

Thanks to summer time

Evening lasts forever


At this hour in time

Ice cream dripping down

Clouds building up quick

summer is nearly gone.

Eternity now

From here to tomorrow,

the long journey taking us through the long dark night of the soul,

to wake in the morning just like every other morning,

to the first light of dawn.

This first dawn, the first light,

each morning we see it on waking and opening the blind,

we know it is there watching us and over us.

This reminder of things passed,

making us look at today

in that instant of the first light is the here and now.

This moment of time that makes who we are,

that first light that is us

the summary of what was before and what will be.

In this glimpse of light,

we see the eternal play that is our life,

we see the role we play now, we see the character we are,.

Eternity for ever and for every day,

That moment is our link to the story of eternal reality,

of the first breath,

of the first light.

What we can’t speak, nor express

I look into you eyes

And do you look at me?

No you avoid my eyes

you know what my eyes tell you.

Stronger than any word

ever invented,

nor written.

you know I look into your eyes with a deep longing,

a love so profound,

so true,

so real.

But you can’t acknowledge it,

you cant look at me

or I would see in your eyes theĀ  similar longing,

a want,

a profound need

to live today according to what our eyes show to us

and to the world.

But you say nothing

and look away.

And I make small talk till I am ready to walk away from you.

On this day

So I walk on this day

feel the ground under my feet.

At times my trousers get reminded of last night’s heavy rain.

The grass, the ground,

all is still wet.

And me barefoot

enjoying the wind in my hair.

My face collects the droplets of rain still clogged on the trees.

Looking out of the tent

before going to sleep .

I saw lightning flashing

across the sky.

No thunder just lightning,

The deep silence of the sky on fire.

And it reminded of the log fire in granma’s house

when I was child and I had just come back

from playing in the snow.