mix and match poem
JL Wright
J. L. Wright is a fulltime RVer enjoying traveling the United States. J. L. wishes to start conversations about current issues through an artistic voice in poetry, photography, and graphic art. Recent publications include The Wire’s Dream Magazine, GNU Journal, Whatcom Watch, Solstice Magazine, and Peace Poets Anthology and chapbook.
hour 4
Considering the life
of a small spoiled dog
fed and
back to bed
hour 3
Lune Pretirement
Everyday, feeling blessed and relaxed
I drink the first cup in bed
Then move into the day
hour 2
Dinner for us all
Menopausal woman
Desires dehydrated
But flavored by experience
We become two resourceful cooks
These days
hour 1
Like a scar, Down’s Syndrome or other difference
can be a bright red raised line or
faded pale line barely noticeable.
Scars are something we all have.
Some of us show them off,
some try to hide them, and
some want to compare them to others.