Up there…

She was up with kissing another man
She was up there holding his hand
She was up there making love in the dark
She was up there and he was down here with a broken heart.

Lady Lannae =)

(Hour 9)

The Bride

She had picked the perfect dress

one she knew she looked damn well good in.

Her hair was on point… nails all french tips

Make up down up, damn near flawless.

Panties, bra almost cost the most out of all of it.

Heels dazzling with every step

down the aisle to stand next the man

of which she would commit her life to.

A man she knew the best of

A man that none of the rest was.

But although all was perfect in this very moment

Would it continue to be when she no longer owned it?

When the make up was washed away

Hair all knoted, sticking up straight

Perfect dress no longer fits

Nails broken and in the trash

Heels all messed up and no longer flash.

Why the worry?

Why the tears?

For the time is here to learn the truth of your fear

Lady lannae =)

(hour 7)

Flying in Flying out

Like the planes before us we would touch down on the runway and be one with our family again. Chatter of everything from left to right would fill the air. Times limited so we made it count.

The puffy clouds
pillowed the horizon
creating a world all its

Screen to Screen

Screen to Screen you know what I mean
can’t get away from those bright shiny things.
Tvs,phones,tablets, laptops galore
They were made so you no longer can complain that your bored.
Taking over your precious time secretly controlling your f-ing mind.

Lady Lannae =)

Such Weight…

Step one

Falling with such tremendous weight
leaving countless shattered plates.
Sara underneath mouth agate.
Trying desperately to push and move it away
the fallen china cabinet that somehow moved out of place.
Body sore, cut and bruised
Arm twisted too painful to move
Finally managing to free herself
In order to dial for help.
911 on its way “hang on tight we will be there right away”

Step Two

It seemed to happen in such slow motion
falling with such tremendous weight.
Leaving countless shattered plates.
No time to get out of the way
Sara underneath mouth agate
Feeling helpless under such weight
trying desperately to push it away.
The fallen china cabinet that somehow fell out of place
crushing her arm and shoulder.
Body sore, cut and bruised
shards of glass are now all over
Arm twisted too painful to move
Taking in a single breath
Finally managing to free it from her chest
Crawling on all fours to grab the phone
In order to dial for help
because she was all alone.
“911, help is on its way”
“Hang on tight we will be there right away”
“Please hurry I’m feeling spaced”

Step Three

It seemed to happen in such slow motion
No time to get out of the way.
Trying desperately to push away
the fallen china cabinet that somehow fell out of place.
Crushing her arm and shoulder.
Shards of glass are now all over.
Taking in a single breath
She finally managed to free herself
Crawling on all fours to grab the phone
because she was home alone.

Lady Lannae =)

Before Darkness….

Before Darkness……
The town was abuzz.

Before Darkness……
Sally and James were in love.

Before Darkness……
The children would skip along to school.

Before Darkness……
The husband would be in the garage fixing things with his tools.

Before Darkness…
there was light to be seen.

Before darkness…
there was no blood to be cleaned.

Lady Lannae =)


Oh L-o-v-e,

what is it that you really expect of me? I never feel the way you want me to, and sometimes I really don’t want to. Because most of the time I really don’t want you.

Deep down inside I feel I don’t need you, or is it really that I’m unworthy of you?

Not looking to be hurt nor abandoned. You actually scare me more than I could have possibly imagined.

Lady Lannae

(Good song =)

Now that the End is Near

I don’t remember when it started, but somehow I’ve found myself here. I never knew I could do it, but I did it, and I no longer show fear. For all the countless hours of doubt hold no ground now that the end is near.

Lady Lannae

In Need of a Challenge

Looking Forward to this Marathon. In need of a good challenge to flush out my creativity  so I can begin working on my very first manuscript.  =)

