
Sleep shattered purple night,

dreams slivered upon the floor

the frame’s glass reflects the moon’s shimmer.

Some reckless chase by old

fur baby brothers

leads to chaos reigned.

They at least have the decency to appear contrite.

Embarrassed mostly,

that their bulk does not run

to nimble passage along a well arranged shelf.

The blessing is the shards were large,

all accounted for,

no barefoot danger to concern me.

Sleep may lie down once more,

though thoughts are going

to chase questions awake.

Waiting on Wine

My new wine adventures missed me yesterday –

Work interfered with the delivery –

“they” will insist on a 21 year old (or older, much, yes, I am) signature.

The flapping “missed you” notice mocked me fro the door,

frustrating, familiar,

all about timing.

Small town benefit:

delivery man owns franchise

shared his cell number for just this type occasion.

This accommodation amazes,

and though it will not be himself,

the driver will return today.

This evening’s repast will be accompanied

by a robust 2014 California red.



Cousins (for Sarah N.)

A summer photo –

cousins in a chair.

Boys with poking elbows,

summer faces alight with fierce delight.

One can nearly smell the boy funk radiating from

the chortling, belching, farting swirl that

is the giddiness of planned pranks,

campfire smoke woven through their clothes,

the odor of fish upon their hands…

the ultimate silence

when they collapse into dreamless sleep,

over done by the sticky summer day.

Word Stew

Fuel for a day of words

is gathered in a warming crockpot.


three onions, one large head of garlic

a generous fist full of cumin seeds are

mingling, heating to slow simmer.

The aromas will climb up the back staircase,

waft down the long hall to

stir mouth watering anticipation.

I shall stir softened lentils into the hearty broth

and strip the bones of meat,

stir all together then

fill my white crockery bowl to the brim and indulge.


Only a couple of more days before the Poetry Marathon and I am sorting out how to make certain I have enough caffeine and stamina to make it 24 hours of writing!  Truth be told, I believe this is going to be a delightful time and no matter what happens, I will have spent some great time with words, rhythms, and just the spirit dance that poetry can be.  I have a list of words from my word of the day collection that I hope to incorporate in poems or make up poems about!

I am very much looking forward to seeing others work and welcome ANY comments on mine that anyone would care to share.


Until Saturday at 0800 local (CDT),

I say, cliché though it be,

Write on!
