Self >>>>> Others (poem 4)


Is it vanity?

To dress up, look nice and feel good about it


Can one be called selfish?

For thinking about one’s comfort and convenience before committing to something


Would it be possible?

To change, understand and learn to differentiate self involvement from self care and self love

The Smashed Flower (poem 3 )



What’s the story of the smashed flower on the sidewalk

Was it?

Blown off by the wind, or

thrown away in anguish


What’s the story of the smashed flower on the sidewalk

Was it part of a wreath?

Adorning a maiden’s hair and adding to her beauty, or

Providing solace to a devotee being offered to a deity


What’s the story of the smashed flower on the sidewalk

Did it?

Make two hearts meet and lead to a happily ever after, or

Break a heart and lead to a forever unrequited love


What’s the story of the smashed flower on the sidewalk

Did it land here?

As a result of the changing seasons through nature’s course, or

As a victim of manmade changes through unnatural cause


What’s the story of the smashed flower on the sidewalk

Can we?

Ever know the full truth, or

We’ll have to satisfy our curiosities through our assumptions

Sleepless (poem 2)


I couldn’t sleep tonight

Whenever I closed my eyes

All I saw was haze and an endless alley


I couldn’t sleep tonight

Whenever I closed my eyes

I heard someone calling out my name


Where was I?

Who was it?

Why was I so restless?

What answers is my mind seeking?


I slept peacefully after long tonight

Wherever my eyes reached

There were wildflowers in full bloom


I slept peacefully after long tonight

Wherever my feet touched the ground,

There were green fields with the sounds of birds chirping and water flowing around me


I knew where I wasI

knew who I was seeking

My restlessness replaced by peace

The answers my mind was seeking were provided by nature

Coming and Going (poem 1)

One goes,

Another comes,

Life goes on,


A seed sown today

A plant grown tomorrow

A memory from the day someone was lost


At the edge of a field, kneeling down in the grass

A form of remembrance on his death anniversary

As mother and daughter shed tears on their yearly visit