4. Love Limerick


Looking for some love

The bird found a lovely dove

Flying here and there

Chasing everywhere

He lastly found his true love

(Limerick 2015 @11:15 a.m.)

3. Fishing


Something I would like to try

Never though before

But fishing must be fine


Go into deep ocean

Find a good spot

Be quiet don’t talk


Have the bait

Throw the line

Sit and wait


I don’t know

Must be excited to fill the pull

Or scary to be foul


Tell me fishers

Is something good to try?

Never though before

(Free Verse, 2015 @10:12)

1. Falls



Clear waters fall

From the deep blue ocean

Turned down to stand

Conveying love, peace and hope

To couples around the globe

(Tanka, 2015 @9:15 a.m.)

Best Wishes!

I will be participating in the 12 hours Marathon from Florida, USA.

Best wishes to all!