Hour twenty four

Outside my window


A clothes line

on which I’ve hung hurriedly

my towel and my t-shirt—



A few flower pots

with seasonal flowers—

all colours


A white wall

with fine cracks—

revealing its grey body

Hour twenty two

Black velvet

on your ivory skin


Hair pinned

bare neck


A sideway glance from you, Senorita,

lights my sullen room

Hour Twenty

A flower pot resides

next to my work station


Sometimes a flower blooms

with a red glistening texture

its subtle fragrance all over


Sometimes a thorn pricks

my conscience

its consequence all over


The crimson pot—

my muse

stays forever.

Hour Nineteen



I’ve always been scared

of the space

I’ve seen myself

lost in its eternity


It was the thing you wanted from me

Blank and austere.


I was unable to survive

in the cold purlieus of your space


On the ebb of space,

there is space

and it will remain between us


Hour Eighteen

How to make chai (tea)?


Take a pot

fill it with water   half full

show your optimism


Put the pot on the stove

on the medium flame

of agony


Add tea leaves— all black

equal to the number of lovers

Charlie has had


Spice it up like your life

put a cardamom, a clove

a pinch of cinnamon


Add sugar

a teaspoon full

so  your day shall remain sweet


Pour milk

till the count of five—

the number of friends you’ve in your beehive


Bring it to boil

See the bubbles of your anger

do wonders


Turn off the stove

and your worries

Strain out the tea leaves


Your tea is ready!


Pour it in one of

your fancy cups


Drink it sip by sip


while it’s still hot

Hour Seventeen

Shall I mourn the loss of time?

It took away all my dimes.


Shall I mourn the loss of time?

It made me prime.




Hour Sixteen

From Lolita


My body has just ripened

let me bear the fruits with you


the diamonds in your eyes

reflect the light in mine


the lollipop of desire

is my favourite candy


Humbert, I’ve forgotten Charlie,

let me hum your tune



Persona poem.

( Character- Lolita from Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov)

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