
Hour 2

My first memory of friendship

First memory of joy

First memory of togetherness

And also first memory of rivalry


He is only one and a half younger

My brother, much ahead of me

He always makes me wonder by his talks

He always makes me proud by his deeds


Although younger he is more mature than me

Many a times I turn to him for advice

Always ready to help others

The most selfless soul I ever saw


He gives me strength

He gives me courage

I know he will be there for me

He is the one ‘forever’


Rashmi S Kurup


Hour 1

At home,

Clothes washed, dried and ironed

Food cooked, served and table cleared

Floor swept, moped and kept in order


At office,

First to arrive and last to go

Updating every single file and minutes

Keeping everything upto mark


At social gatherings,

Each cup is filled even before it is empty

Each and every guest greeted warmly

Stays on tiptoes throughout the event


Her prevalence,

As vital as salt in food

As insignificant as the salt

Camouflaged or concealed behind the false esteems and probity

Her existence almost non-existent


Rashmi S Kurup