Poem 7

Born to win
Born in Sin

Born in wealth
Born in poverty

Born as a winner
Never a loser

number one all the time
Swimming right up at the top.

All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2017 Roxann A Harvey

Poem 6

Last but not least
He finally reached

Amidst the blue sky
Lived a young fly

free from sin’s worl
dribbling in a bin’s worl

All rights reserved copyrighted(c) 2017 Roxann A Harvey

Poem 5

Up the road and down the road
not much of a story load
fixed in sand and etched in stone
where the thoughts of my nose.

All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2017

Poem 4

Whispers in the morning
feeling so gentle on the inside
he saw a blue feather
laying on the isle
he wondered to himself
what could this mean
just in time to see
a little mouse so sweet.

Nothing scared him most
was to see a mouse so friendly
it nod its head as if to say
let me have that blue feather any way
he jumped back in a ditch
not realizing he was so close

never before has he ever seen
one little mouse so sweet and serene.

Poem 3

Fitting around the house
nothing much does make sense
a few more hours to labor
a full day without any rest
come on now lets do our best
lest we fall and not get any test

Zipping, slipping, sliding along
rustic leaves tossle in the wind
Making a noise outside so serene
I wonder what next is between
seems like a sweet smelling tree
shuffling around in the breeze.

Poem 2

Temperatures high and fierce
nothing fleecing
only pain in here
truth will never cease
less anger over there.

All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2017 Roxann A Harvey

Poem 1 2017 Elements

Fire Blazes smoke rises
Fire Burns ashes forms
Pitch black smoke rises
Thunder rumbles aggressively
a sense of fear enters

The wind and water rages
it harnesses a feel of fear
yet a sweet smell of nature
the blues are yet to come

swiftly along the night sky
whispers a new feel
something of a fresh start
a new savor of sweet aroma

earth is about to burst
with the lush and slush
of a brand of light
that know one has ever seen
such beauty in sight.

All rights reserved copyright(c)2017 Roxann A Harvey

Hour 24

Woo hoo I have made it
No one has done this before
My brilliance Rock
I did it again

Its like the stars
The sky is my limit
I can do what I want to do
I have greatness within me

I am free to soar like an Eagle
Spread my wings like a green bay tree
Sinking my roots deep below the surface
Reaching far beyond what eyes can see
I did it!

copyright 2016 Roxann A Harvey

Hour 23

My closet is my favorite place
I go there to pray
I go there to meditate
Its a great place to visit
Which I do from time to time

The name given to my closet
Is one of great importance
As it knows all my secrets
No one knows about my
Relationship with my closet

We keep each other’s secret
There is no other place so dear
To me cause we share things
So deep in life we will
Never disclose what I do
There when I visit.

copyright 2016 Roxann A Harvey

Hour 22

Blue clouds are out way out you cannot be without its smooth flow
Blue like the sea
The beauty is magnificent
Its all I can see

Blue clouds oh how your beauty bright glistens as the Sunshine’s
Blue clouds whisper words of love
So serene it captivates the hearts
Busting through the blue clouds
are Its yellow rays

Its like life itself is shone bright right from the start
Floats like a dove
Way up in the sky
Blue clouds brings us
Peace of mind.

copyright 2016 Roxann A Harvey

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