Hour 14

and price of tomatoes
in the papers—
the evening fills out
with the croaks of frogs

on the street
two boys elbowing
each other
raising the steam
inside one raincoat


Hour 13- a haibun

Dream Come True

I am growing younger by the minute. So is everyone else; everything else. Whoa! Time is in reverse gear. The sun sets first and then rises. But no one notices it after the first day as they alternate anyway. Like repeating “maraa maraa maraa” endlessly. After a while, it just sounds like Raama. Or maraa, if you prefer.

prayer beads
the merry go round
of a prayer

Everyone is tickled silly, congratulating each other. The woman next door can hardly wait for the day she will be twenty. Twenty years to go back in time, if you were to believe that she is only 40. Maybe on mercury.

But hey, my sister is pregnant again. Only with the same baby she had two days ago. This is ridiculous. And I am not even thinking of what happened in the toilet.

I don’t want to be not born again. I want to live. I Want to Live! I WANT TO DIE!

the layers of warmth
in my good morning



Hour 12- A Hundred Words

what would I do
with a hundred words?
write you a letter?
a song in praise of you?
the beginning
of an epic?
an essay on beauty
to your gold standard?
if worth
were to be weighed
by quantity
and adherence to rules
surely this
would win a prize
fifty words
I have already reached
and so far
said nothing more
than when
I started this poem
and repetitions
do not count either
now I am sure
your are as befuddled
as I am
but if I were
to paraphrase all this
it would all
be said with my eyes

Hour 8- a Golden Shovel and a nonet

This is both a golden shovel and a nonet

a mere brush of your hand and I
was gullible enough to think
we were a pair, you and I
the sweet remarks you made
hid the bitter you—
time to wake up
stop messin’
with my


The line I have used is from Sylvia Plath’s “mad girl’s love song”

Hour 6

A haiku/ senryu sequence


music concert
the room abuzz
with mosquitoes

an exquisite phrase
not even one clap
is for the artiste

keeping the tala
an offbeat catches
my ear