Invoking the muses

Euterpe, giver of delight,

please kindle my imagination!

I would love to ride a Pegasus

and to own a hive of virtuosos!


I was a girl who really wanted to have

a unicorn or a gifted mermaid like Ariel.

Maybe deep inside it’s the same girl-

a girl with a huge writing and singing passion!

Dearest Simona

Dear sweet sixteen,


It’s a lovely age, but a poor context.

It’s not your fault that life can be a bitch!

But it is and it will be in the next two years.

So prepare to shed some tears and to grow up!


I know that you still watch Disney and that life

would be more bearable if it were a fairytale,

but that’s not possible I’m afraid. Sorry to disapoint you,

but a cold shower is useful from time to time!


Stop being so shy and sweet! Stop being stupid

if you don’t want to be bullied until the end of highschool!

I know that your life means only learning and music,

but defend your rights before the symphony of regrets starts!

Damn, it’s Christmas again!

Hush, an urban prophecy says the following:

when the first moonbeam will light the concrete

in the sacred evening of Christmas Eve,

everyone will have his own fir tree and will smile.


Stories for babies, put it back on the shelf!

Don’t disturb us with your lack of trust! To continue,

it will be fog at the docks, but all

will be on the cliff to praise the Lord!


And afterwards they’ll go home and drink

a boiling coffee in order to wait for Santa.

And the canteen will be full and even

poor fellows will feast and sing Hallelujah!

A song of ice and fire

This song has a good tempo,

so we’ll rehearse it right now.

What say you? You know nothing

about sacred music, but you’ll learn!


Don’t expect to become scholars

until winter is coming, but prepare

to embrace sounds and harmony!

Remember:where there’s a will, there’s a way!

My first sevenling

She was childless

as a fern is flowerless.

But she loved babies.


He was a Casanova

and proud as a peacock.

But he hated lullabies.


Though, they met one day on comprimises’ bridge. (more…)


Thinking about nada, liberating my mind-

what a wonderful sensation!

The sky is blue, birds sing freely,

it’s nice to do nothing except listening to them!

Tiny Alice

For a moment I could be Alice in Wonderland,

but I am a little afraid of falling in the rabbit hole

and of shrinking moments after only to remain

stuck in the smallest room in the world!


But mushrooms are so good that I would taste one

even if the result was turning into Peter Pan!

But what child doesn’t dream once of becoming

the eternal Peter or Clara from the Nutcracker?


So I will remain stuck for a few hours

if the result is gaining knowledge!

I like exploring and discovering new things,

that’s why I’m eager to have tea and meet the bad queen!

Sky is the limit!

I am at sea, on a giant’s belly.

He is so gentle that I am allowed

To cross the waters with his aid.

Such a nice passage! And he’s happy to help.


I give him a warm smile and I meet

Some winged creatures, possibly angels.

They offer me a pair of wings and point to the sky.

I am grateful and despite my fear, I can’t wait to fly!

Join the club! :)

It’s a starry night and I am lonely

as a ship in the middle of the ocean

or as a mountain deprived of company.


I need a gentle touch and a word or two.

Who feels the same and wants to join me

so that we don’t get bored in the middle of nowhere?

Good energy

So much energy in nature!

Incredible how a walk can inspire me!

It seems that I follow my thoughts

And not my steps. Sheer joy!


During my strolls I am not, but

I become a time traveller who

listens to the wind wispering,

who loves sun’s smile and light.


I do not follow the path,

but my heart and my mind.

I never get tired of a good walk

and I still feel the breeze when I get inside.

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