
A whisper

Can I whisper my thoughts?
They are many, you see

Can I whisper my feelings?
They are a myriad

Can I whisper my intent?
They are floating, still

Can I whisper my plans?
Myopic though they might be

Can I whisper me?
Weird, though I am

The Almighty Boss

The Almighty Boss

I can do exactly as it pleases me
I can hire and fire!
I do away with people
Because I am the Almighty Boss

My word is law
No one dare gainsay me
I am the constituted authority
Because I am the almighty boss

No one dare look me in the eye
I shout and bark at subordinates
I can never be questioned
Because I am the Almighty boss

Who are subordinates, anyways?
Where were they when I was rising painstakingly
Through the ranks?
I am unquestionable!
Because I am the Almighty Boss

If I don’t raise my voice at them
Run roughshod over their will
Hurl insults and invectives at them
Intimidate them at every turn
How will they know I’m the boss?
How will they know who’s in charge?
Because, I am the Almighty Boss

The Cookie Jar

The Cookie jar

It is not an easy feat
Being away from the Cookie jar
My mouth seeks its fullness
My eyes lust for its presence
I try to restrain myself
But find my legs walking towards it
The Cookies in the Cookie jar
It will be the death of me
As my waistline grows bigger
And I fear, my blood sugar
My tummy bulges
As I cannot let the Cookie jar rest
My hands continually rummaging in it
For the tasty ,creamy and crunchy cookies

The Walls

The Walls
Now that its all said and done
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls resentment and anger have built?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls paucity of communication and impatience have built?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls selfishness and lack of empathy have built?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls that riding roughshod over another’s will have built?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls ethnic and tribal sentiments have built?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls that religious sentiments have…rigidly..built?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls self imposed by human thoughtlessness?
Can we bring down these walls?
Walls that bloodshed and wanton blood letting have built?
Can we please bring down these walls?



Her tummy kept rumbling
She was so hungry
Indeed their poverty was grinding
She wondered at how to get money
What could generate money to feed
Her eyes alighted on her children playing
Her eyes shone with excitement
Her heartbeat quickened
Yes, she finally had the answer
To her solve her problems right before her
Her kids! They were sellable!
She made the connect
And sold her children, her flesh and blood
Her bundles of joy, literally
For 300,000 thousand naira
A whole lot of money, she thought
That would solve her problems now
And the problems hereafter!
What to tell hubby?
She’d cross the bridge upon getting there, joor!
Afterall, there’s nothing new under the sun
And so the deal was struck
Her kids handed to whom she wist not
For the price was right, she wist thought

To Catch a Bird

To catch a bird
To hold a dream
To fly so high
To be the dream
To climb the mountain
To see the valley
To hold the mist
To hug the dawn


The scent of a woman
The scent of fresh flowers
The scent of fresh dew
The scent of brown hay
The scent of upturned soil
The scent of a woman


Like gossamer silk
Like honey unfiltered
Like jam in doughnut
Like air refreshing
Like mist at dawn
Like red rose petals
Like sweetness, beauty and goodness combined

Stars Shine Down

The stars shine down
Just last night i was in your room
I held your shirts,so very close
I closed my eyes
And imagined you in it
Your usual carefree way of dress
Your Devil may care grin
The love your eyes radiate
And i know though you’re gone
You’re still very near
Trusting and believing in me
Trusting and still believing in us