
Magic is the making of rhyme

Out of tiny sweeps, and ticking time

Reaching into the ethers eternal

To extract a small, ripe kernel

That bursts into bloom!

First Love

You slipped from memory to remembrance

too slowly to be easy.

I knew it would be that way when we met.

Youth carries it’s risks like a coat

over the arm.

I cannot trace time backwards to

your door anymore.

The trail is cold as a deep river stone.

Sometimes I swim in that river and wonder.


The Healer

She is asking for your

best loaf of bread

as she beats you.

She smiles as she

walks away with

all of your bread.

Later, you thank her.



Lit by starlight

and moon beams

Powered by inner sight

and night dreams

Take my Spirit to soar

beyond the great divide

Where I was before

one with All inside.

Autobiography of a Face

You are the cloak I chose.

Like any protective visage,

there has been assault and wear

even great care cannot hide now.

You have served as a symbol

for some suitor’s best day,

and other’s worst.

This mask you made

almost convinced me.


My Sisters

Like my own fingers holding

the cup I live by

I drink deeply and swim

within the liquid we share.

This space that is between

only knits us, like an

exoskeleton, tighter together,

a strange organism that exists

in spite of it’s Self,

for each other.

Spirit Wolf

She is twilight and guardian Mother.

Her medicine scatters the dark.

She is Teacher; lone, alone, loyal.

Her honor is the energy of the ages.

She is the path inward; governor of intuition.

Her raven will fly for you, if you trust the full moon.


….of the sea, and earth, and stars

he rode in on a pulsing red wave

settling all safely into

his deep, blue ocean

where we became his tides

washing ashore to lap delicate

granulesĀ of sand and turn the shells

back to him, as he waits under

the canopy of sky, and moon, and angels

while we sway, and rock

in his deep, blue ocean.

Elegy for Roxanne



You came to us

pup bones and fur, bouncing

Spent your days

licking, cuddling, pouncing

Sleeping next to the hearth

lost in dreams, dancing

Autumn time hunt

in tall grass fields, prancing

You left us

white of face, sighing

we bereft, crying

Your place with us

is memory and time

sacred soul, my rhyme.