Darkness is safe when the light goes dull
Darkness is a comfort when the noise pounds against your skull
Darkness is an abyss, a void for ever falling through
Darkness is where, to most, hope no longer grew
But darkness embraces you with cold arms
Darkness is aware of the triggering alarms
It’s silent, it listens, it lets you fall
Until you’re ready to land into light and stand tall
Perhaps beyond the abyss there lies a light
There is no tunnel but hope is in sight
Perhaps we’re facing up, we can’t see what awaits us after the tumble
There is a light that will have us crumble
But we’ll stand back up, new found hope
And we’ll navigate through that messy slope
And darkness will be there, ready with a rope
To pull us back in case we falter and need to silently cope
But hope will be a spark, a star, or a flame within our eyes
And we’ll be ready to grab onto it after hard tries
Hope will have us soaring the skies
No giving up, we’ll keep walking yelling battle cries