
Permeated with sin
Our souls can be revived
Only if you believe

Greater Love

Life is unfair was what I mentioned in my prayer
The scar that I had left would remind me of a despair
Just the other day I cried myself to sleep
A testimony about a miracle is the story that lives in me
I didn’t have clue of direction until I followed in his direction

Now I’m blessed highly favored
All I want to say to you is God is Awesome

He already gave everyone his love so that’s enough for everyone to accept him

Forever loved

I remember like present day.
Our love was precious as an emblem. Nervous but ready. He caressed my body .
My temperature just hit triple figures not to long we landed in bed. His arms trembled as he whispered are you ready I shook my head closed my eyes and breathe deep.


Low and deep below
High and steep like hiker’s peek
Your choice is endless

A flower’s Life

I’ve changed like a flower in the spring
I once was surrounded even covered by deceit that was cold as snow it even filled the environment brought down spirits so that the environment had frozen
I once had money that brought forth such greed it gave short happiness that balanced the heat and even showed me a potential life but it wasn’t for me
I once had so many trails and tribulations I lost so many petals but some one clean it all up
I once had lived dream of my life around so many colors and smells so sweet
Little did I know about the life he chose for me was everlasting

Opened book for my Dad

My love never goes away
Every moment you pull farther away my heart waits for understanding why you stayed away
I have grown up so I know my heart is open and you can filled your empty pages
I just want answers but if you can’t answer I understand the process of adding new chapters
You don’t have to show me love mom stepped up and did her part and overtime

now that I’m older I just want to give my love to the ones that made my life possible even it meant just the littlest time I had left
spending every moment counts in my book even if it’s not a lot just a little that’s enough to finish here take a look