The most luxurious candle
Scented with red rose and neroli
hinting of china musk and smoky cedar
Soft and silken to the touch
Swirling designs in sunset colors
Sparkles of golden dust
A single cotton wick
Braided to burn and curl
Begging for flame; ready for the dance
In a Turkish brass lantern it lives
Intricate ancient patterns,
illuminate the walls
Spilling onto the mirrored silk and velvet cushions
Intoxicating in it’s form and function
You are trapped for hours
For days
Staring, inhaling, waiting.
Time moves in a different way and dimension here
It happens so slowly
Surreal in it’s progression
Bit by bit it dissipates
Desperate flickers fight and scream
Twist and tango to their death
The smoke lingers and embers wink
Then there is nothingness.
The specificity of detail in this poem is wonderful––intoxicating.