I Knew

Everything happens for a reason

I knew it through the pain

The excruciating throbbing

The tightness in my neck

I knew it through the medication

The morphine

The blood thinners

The anesthesia

I knew it through the blindness

The blackness

The fear

I knew it through the sleepless nights

The bad dreams

The others’ screams

I knew it through singing Hey Jude

In the same hospital

John Lennon took his final breath

I knew it was not here where I would take mine

I knew there was more to do

I knew there was more to be

I knew there was something to learn

I knew I had been given the chance

The chance to change my life

I didn’t know what it was

What this was meant to be

But this I knew, I knew it true

I had to trust, for only because

Everything happens for a reason

And in that I truly believe


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