Sky blue

I wanted to be a Cosmonaut because Yuri Gagarin is a more melodious name than John Glenn, because the Soviet artists depicted outer space like poetry rather than like science.  The first woman in space, also a Cosmonaut,  coincidentally romantically named Valentina. She radioed down …

Time Capsule (Hour 5)

Unearthed in the backyard, a Folger’s coffee tin containing: One rusted bicycle bell, A cracked New Kids on the Block cassette, Two pink and yellow friendship bracelets, Dr. Pepper Lipsmackers, Folded lined-paper hearts and triangles, A faded polaroid of two girls wearing neon, hair in…


When my tribe rises, I will not be there. When they hoist the flags, and draw their swords, I will not be there. When they play their pipes and shout their oaths, I will not be there. When they call on their gods and strike…

Prompt 5: Hour 5: My Tranquility

The water floats over my body as if it were a cloud coming to wash away my nightmares. The lyrics slam into my soul as if they had been born from within myself. The calm takes me over as I lay, longing for peace- for…

Eating My Way Through a Poem

Eating My Way Through a Poem   no one likes to admit her strange alchemy in a universe of distraction & bad habits   reduced fat Cheez Its, baked whole grain Goldfish black licorice twists, fat free & fructose   chewing settles my inner ruminant,…

Prompt 4: Hour 4: Monster Inside

“She turned the door handle and switched on the light”- terrified of what may be lurking in the darkness. Shaking, teeth chattering, mind running wild- Only to soon realize, the monster she was terrified of was within her. (Last line of The Curiosities as my…

Time capsule

I wish for a time capsule – something I could open and see you and you and you and you — and you! – All those I have lost. I would gather you all around me in some sort of Celestial pub and we would…

Hour Five: Manhearted

No nonsense, no bitter and tease, no games for he who knows how to sit in ease, soaking his bones in a tub full of tunes, eager to please the senses, not hers but his, alone in his cocoon, his lair of potions and scents,…

The Purge

Exhume the clutter of your past Discard the dust of yesterday Create space for new manifestations Embrace unfamiliar circumstances Interrogate the value of everything Consider usefulness across time and space Today’s shimmering revelations become Tomorrow’s rusty remembrances

Revenge poem. Dont take this seriously

There once was a boy who lived in a small town Everyone thought he was a clown He wore glasses and had curly hair Gosh he was insufferable, no one could compare   He also had an obnoxious obsession with birds Honestly, I think he…