My plan for the marathon

Hello everyone! I am going to be attempting to complete this marathon for the first time this year! I will be starting off by myself and am going to head over to a friend’s house in the afternoon so that we can finish together and…

First time participating

This is going to be my first time participating so I’m not really sure what to expect. My sleep schedule has been wonky lately; maybe it’ll be an advantage!  I’m doing the full marathon. Hopefully, my brain will cooperate {fingers crossed} I love poetry and…

Hello there

Hi, how is everybody? I’m starting to believe that I speak to silence, this is my first time here, I’m gonna make a half marathon, and I’m a bit nervous because I’m bilingual and I’m going to write entirely in English… well, with some Spanish,…

Hi Dear Poets

Pleased to meet you… I began writing poetry in 2018. I wrote occasionally on Google Plus, mostly just for the fun of it. I’m currently looking to start something serious, to grow professionally as a poet and creative writer and I hope this marathon gives…

First time / Half Marathon

I feel like I’ll be stumbling about a bit figuring this out as well as trying to write poetry. This is my first time participating. A bit excited. A bit apprehensive. I’m old in Indiana, on Day 109 of #stayinghome. I write, stitch things, make…

Gold Dust Dreams

Dearest Poets, Surreal times for our present poetic adventure. Standing in the backyard, my lungs ached as I swallowed gulps of Saharan desert air, lingering in the dusky gold Texas sky. “Stay Home,” read the public safety alert blaring from my cell phone. “COVID-19 threat…

New and Excited!

Hey there!!! Long time writer, first time marathoner!!! I go big or go home and am also a glutton for punishment, so 24 hours it is ^_^ Looking forward to the experience!

Year Four!

Still nervous like the first day of school is in the morning <3 Off to get some zzzzzzzzzzz. See everyone in the AM

Writing Through the Pandemic

My new book, I’ve Got the Blues: Looking for Justice in a Red State, came out in early March. It’s a collection of my essays and poems published in The Oklahoma Observer. Almost as soon as the book arrived, I started cancelling plans to speak…

Introduction 2020

Looking forward to another creative purge! This will be by 3rd full marathon. I have been in a slump with my writing despite all the great material occurring throughout the nation and world lately. I feel my voice should be stronger during times of great…

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