Afternoon Waltz #4

Afternoon Waltz Slapping soaked rags to the floor She lifts her Crocs and settles She stretches across the kitchen Waltzing the Blue Danube   Coffee stains disappear with ease While sticky juice droplets Require another pass or two Until their cling is forever gone  …

The Pond

Frogs Are caught By children And kept in jars With luck, they return to the pond in evening Their life spared adds new mystery next day When children once more Catch their frogs Once more Jars

dial it back

dial it back   The dial rests in my hands – all of time rests in my hands, all I need to do is turn it forward or back.   All of time rests in my hands. Mine alone. Only my time alters in this…

Fruits of our Labor (14th hour)

Well my dear Is this how you imagined our years Together upon this porch Watching our children recklessly search For fireflies to fill their mason jars Did you dream the both of us would be beaming this evening As we hear our lil ones laugh…

As Evening Falls

Children laugh and play Each donning a brightly colored raincoat Steam rising from cement As they stomp and splash In puddles left over From the warm summer rain They ask for jars To collect fireflies as evening falls

Hour Fourteen: Frog Proverbs

Eat your frogs so that by early evening you can delight in tomatoes, prepping them for winter in jars, the way gramma taught you. Together you sliced them, chasing the diced bits around the cutting boards like small children chase ducklings. Take your raincoat, and…

No New Home

The sounds just around the corner was a mystery The children listened for nights but still couldn’t solve it They tipped out one evening to see what they could find And just beside the neighborhood pond was a cute surprise The sounds were from a…

on my way #11

rushing waters and open fields i am calling to you can you hear me? fiddles plucking out my course in the distance i am heading your way can you hear me in the rushing stream? over hills and grassy crags i am coming to you…

14 – tomorrow –

I carried my jars out into the evening, calling my children to get into their raincoats and come in search of mystery and science. We walked to the boundary where the town ceased and the floodplains began ssh.. the music changed from car hums to…

The Mystery of Summer – 14

    Sun setting in the evening A raincoat on its hook Steam rises from a pot in the kitchen. There are jars of tomatoes within. The frogs beneath the tomato vines croak, their chorus in perfect harmony with the children as they play. The mystery…