Elementally Different

You see yourself above me, like wind in Starry, Starry Night. You see yourself as my support, the earth, dry and warm, You see yourself as needed, life giving water, quenching my thirst. You see yourself as passionate, with a fire dangerously close. I see…


  At night I lay awake, And the floors start to shake! The doors start creaking, And the walls start speaking, As my chest truly aches.

Poem no.1 Sometimes love is like water over stone

Sometimes love is like water over stone. The precious memories we have gathered up and made our own lie quiet and still like small, cool pebbles in each cupped palm. Then love, like water, trickling clear across the skin, washes the surface of each small…


To reach a part of you, you didn’t notice before, but with me you care. Soul searching through emotions of feelings you fear will appear the truth of our co-existence, but you’re reluctant to let go.Holding on to nothing.Emptiness, dwelling within a hollow home you…


The boxes I put myself in are getting smaller.   As a child of seven summers, when my bare feet knew the grasses well, I was Odysseus at Troy, carving a way through the enemy rhododendrons.   I spoke at the midnight hour on August…

Summer nights

Warm summer nights With the warm sweet southern breeze. Dancing around our hearts. In a sweet warm embrace. Grant me your sweet kisses on my lips. Sweet smiles on my heart.   Sweet caress of your love. Around my heart. Warm summer nights.

A roomful of faces lined up in rows

  That girl, No you missed her, That girl. Too old to be sounding out “monkey” Too old to spell it with a q. Much too old to need her fingers to add. Her clothes stink, Her butt crack sticks out, Her burgeoning body is…

Hour 2–Desire

She enthralls like a lighthouse Draws me Keeps me away A caution for my own good but that light that exquisite fresnell I am caught in its prism I lie mute across the expanse I wait prow banking in fog turning I surrender I’m a…


dreams I share of hiking in the woods, surrounded by oak trees arcs of sunlight paths of fallen leaves, pebbles to amuse me. isolated, protected by human generosity. they donate their vowels, contribute imagination, build mandalas of grape vines, find hidden clues that I believe…

Hour Two- Fog

  Fog Dense, lifeless I wandered Pushing through endless Pointless Love affairs Loveless affairs Fucking without purpose Loving without bond Longing, lusting, lacking Drifting A beacon flashing Light called to me, Enticed me Led me to you Your light dissipated the fog Winds of change…