Notes on Being a Dad (24)

He’s gone back to school pursuing welding and he’s still making his art as unhinged as ever when his son asks to talk to the mother he doesn’t fight it even though she traded him for substances and she makes no attempts he wants him…

Hour 23: The cage

In this world, I wake up with the sun And go to sleep in the company of moon and stars The days are filled with mirth and laughter The humans, birds and animals live together as one community No throats are slit, no gas chambers…

ET’s Science Project

Too much carbon in the air made them all machines. Squared lips, rounded jaws of organic steel. A world of hot diamonds and melted glass upon which they roll on titanium pegs. A strange experiment!


Do you hear the roar of pain? If you do, will you give a hand or will you let others to do so? Why do you postpone? What are you waiting for?