Sleep, son

Rest and relax son Night time passes very fast Close your eyes, sleep son

The Park

The park is calling Brightly lit, the path awaits Go play little kid

Poem 24/24 – Away with the Night

Poem 24 – Away with the Night And so it’s all done The night has begun It’s now time to slumber And count sheep to a number Too early with post haste This talent I must not waste For 24 hours I have done My…

Poem 23/24 – Being Me

Poem 23 – Being Me You knew who I was Right from the start You even took me to heart Now you have forgotten My senses all rotten The bond we share Nothing will ever compare For I am your sanity And we are entwined…

Poem 22/24 – Feel Me

Poem 22 – Feel Me Always there Always you care Never in doubt How could I have know what this love was about? Take my hand And in amongst the emotions – Together we will land Did we take some potions? Here are some jelly…


rumble of thunder jolts me from my dreaming state I hate your snoring

Weeping Daughter

Weeping daughter Don’t you know that you can have joy For what you thought was the best thing, doesn’t even compare to what more I have in store for you, if you would just believe Your words speak a faith, yet, your heart is unbelief…

My dearest love

Your heart is beating with mine. You are never faraway because my heart has two beats. One beat is my love for you. The other beat is your love . That never left my heart.

Having Slept

I slept. I never do without it. Up for an hour to finish But I slept. My old mind. My old body Cannot Not Sleep! Not just to dream Sometimes I wish I didn’t Sometimes just to lay still And heal. I sleep. I never…


Like a log I will fall Into my Yucatan bed Like a cosmic fireball Throwing up behind me the thin veil of atmospheric sheets, I will climb mountain ranges of pillows And swim In seas of warmness And blankets And silent sleep will find me Like…