Anything (21)

It’s so early in the morning or so very late at night depending on perspective. You offer to make coffee as I feverishly write and post write and post write and post. I lean over to kiss your shoulder to thank you profusely to love…

Feeling blue (hour 21)

Blue is the color of my veins clamoring to breathe Blue is the color of his cheeks as he struggles to survive Blue is the color of the sea so wide and deep Blue is the color of the sky its so high above humandkind


In Maya’s words, “I’m a woman Phenomenally”. With her words and in her bravado tones She voiced that it’s okay to be a Phenomenal woman in the world today She raised the stakes in such a phenomenal way… I am phenomenally made A phenomenal woman…

A Message To K.

Let me return to the subject of you, Franz. Can I call you Franz? Does Kafka fit the bill? Would K. suffice? Even here, in asking your name, I am riddled with useless questions, pores sweating indecisiveness. Franz? Franz. There can be no confusion. I am…

aN unknOwn Poet meets a Visionary Poet of this age

truly inspiring in all avenue doing walk the talk boundless borderless embracing all people understanding of humanity U and I I and Me the world of today making things realizing an inspirational person beyond words and actions emblem of persistence and patience encouraging and motivating…

Feminist Tree

I hear the chirping of feeble arguments Backed by social intimidation and lies Turning the tables, so quick to cry offense Anecdotal evidence, that is all they offer Poor frightened warrior, who can’t take the heat But won’t go in the kitchen, not even for…


HOUR TWENTY ONE POEM # 21 24HOUR POEM MARATHON RABBITS IN MY GARDEN Rabbits in my garden, I beg your pardon. Hearing them crunch, Having their lunch. So good was a beet, They had two repeat. Getting their fill, On twigs of dill. Gave their…

Brave John

Everyone wonders why I’m Sad They cannot be Thoughtful While I’m here Lamenting My mother’s Death Not a single Person Visits her grave in the Churchyard Each morning with prayers in the Churchyard Perhaps God will understand why I’m Sad He should, after he took…


we met a boy under the stairs and watched him accept who he was we met a girl with wild hair and watched her learn what she could be we met a cast of many and grew to love a few we met animals, imaginary,…

Parade’s End

There they go by twos and threes. There they go by twos and threes. Johnny be lucky, Johnny come home. Be lucky Johnny, lucky be Johnny. They go there threes and twos, be lucky Jonny home come. I wait by the windowsill, I wait by…