For the sake of it

When ideas run away eyes start betraying you when you know this will change still it seems you can’t do then my friend just keep on doing it keep walking keep writing keep dancing keep whatever doing trust me you will pass through even if…

Tell Me (19)

Secrets will eat you like worms in the watermelon oozing juice on the countertops. Secrets will harm you like kites flying into power lines burning up at the end of your rope. Secrets will stun you like a head on auto collision leaving only blood…


“I’m sure you have no trouble realizing that people occasionally misunderstand each other” “Actually, I do!, she replied She could not fathom the thought of being and feeling misunderstood As hard as she tried She found it troublesome to wrap her mind around that idea…

#16bis – Leap-of-Faith time

All colours mixed All sizes together Various shapes And a big mouth Shouting in all ears The big mistake You never come back from   All savours mixed All lengths together Various drawings And a big shout Calling all tears The big misunderstanding You never…


HOUR EIGHTEEN POEM # 18 24 HOUR POEM MARATHON DISARM TO ARM Why am I dressed in black? With a large cross on my back/ Walking this hot burning road, Eyes sparkle shine and explode. From here to there to nowhere, Bald, blind, desperate to…

Poem 19

“When they write my obituary.” * What will they say? Will they remember that I hate to be recognized? Will they leave out the unimportant details such as where I worked or went to school? Instead, will it highlight that my proudest accomplishments were my…

Marathon Morning

The sun has risen again, unremarked behind the clouds.  Typical for this country, and as long as it remains dry, fine with me.  Soon I’ll face a plate of pancakes, perhaps rice with two fried eggs and a sausage. I’ll review what I wrote in…


I have some wishes I would like you to grant me: Not an eternal life, but a long and not too burdened one. Full of learning and experience. Not eternal youth or beauty, but health and strength to achieve my goals. More time. Just time….

Cat haiku

I put my seat belt on, Expect the unexpected. Cats chase sticks as well.