hour 19 poem

Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. Moments in our lives are like flowers we choose to pick up or to buy from the florist s Who sometimes chooses for us Life is sometimes beyond our control. mrs dalloway by v. Woolf

Nineteenth poem

Let’s go exploring Let’s run away Into the night And into the day I’m asking, imploring Just come out to play And if it’s alright I’d like you to stay Let’s fly away, soaring Get out of our way And by our own might Claim…

AS THE ALARM CLOCK on the chest of drawers exploded like a horrid little bomb of bell metal, Dorothy, wrenched from the depths of some complex, troubling dream, awoke with a start and lay on her back looking into the darkness in extreme exhaustion. Her…

(Hour 19) 4.30-5.30pm — #87 “Torquay in Devon”

Another limerick, cos I’m low on energy & been napping sitting up at my computer. 5 to go … The lovely fat lady with a crutch perhaps is eating a wee bit too much ———cramming in scone eleven ———with her cream tea in Devon before exploding at…

These Slow Moments

I’m full! Or I’m empty: I can’t tell which. But it’s clearly a case of extremes. The mud trap makes me slow, the dragging of my feet leaving trails in the day behind me and my hopes are just scratches in the coffin lid of…

Calling Iris

Bright blooming iris Calling card of Celestial Iris Don’t disregard the lovely lady requesting escort Take her home   Calling card of Celestial Iris Dark night with stars of light Take her home O’ Flower of Life   Dark night with stars of light Booming…

hour 18 poem

promises… kisses that did not touch her lips words she only read dreams they both had… poems that no poet ever put down on paper that were never sold in a bookstore or underlined by students in a literature seminar… don t Count your Chicken…

#17 – Fascinated and swallowed

I am so fascinated by all details I can’t see what is in front of me All those glittering details Flattering the eyes When they are just about to cry For the feeling of aloneness At the dawn of Sunday When nobody dances any longer…

The Beginning

“Everything starts somewhere…” Though knowing where depends On what you mean by “start” Or “everything”. Something starts everywhere, The chain of consequence Cannot be predicted Precisely. Freedom to make a choice Freedom to take the chance Is meaningless without Consequence. Forge your link in the…

I Have No Life But This

I have no life but this To write the smiles, To see the songs, To listen to the rainbows. I have no life but this To learn the patter of rain, To touch the air, To fly the soil. I have no life but this…