The Path to Light

I didn’t choose that path back then. I was afraid. Too oft warned of the Consequence of being myself. I am Janice Joy, not Joy Elizabeth, The child whose body lay in blood That hot August day. The dogs were gone, and my arm Still…

Hour Fifteen

I, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave you: My mind- Where dreams of greatness once manifested, Where a plethora of useless knowledge once swam, Where words of wisdom once danced, Where hopes and aspirations once congregated, Where fond memories now lie. My…


Need your kisses. On my lips. Need your magic that only you can. Give me. Need your love too caress my heart. Too place of love

#16 – System of taste

Tasteful you are Tasteful I am Is that enough? For a love story   Your state system And my system of taste Are they compatible? When you turn your back to me   Tasteful I am Tasteful you are Is that enough? For a love…

Ode to a character

My book (movie) in my head never ends, so placing you in the leading role was easy; your wit and charm give others pause, but your chameleon ways help my plot blend.   I laugh when people are taken a back by the many things…

A Photograph

It has to be in sepia, with some of the lighter parts fading into some past century.   I simply can’t imagine you in colour.  Disney characters live on colour, are shaped by colour.  You, by contrast, I associate with scent, if sepia has any…

“Her Moving On”

I sit listlessly by. I listen closely for a sign of life. Cancer has locked its deadly talons in you. Swaddled in death’s grip. It seeps through your pores. I feel its weight crushing you. All of the pain with nothing but a hefty morphine…

Poem #23: As If I Could Taste Heaven At This Height

In my mind I was better than this. I am only a letter to you. Writing you in the dark. Can’t even tell if I am still smiling, let alone nodding through everything said to me, an implication of encouragement lost in the delivery. The…

Poem 11

I have been… a baby a little girl a daughter a sister a student a friend a girlfriend a bride a wife   I am… a mother a friend a teacher a writer a dreamer a survivor   I will always be a mystery to…

little girl again

when you were a little girl i used to hold your hand and you would slip yours into mine quite automatically- then a few years later, you were growing into YOU and i would try to hold your hand and you would pull away- declaring…