HOUR FOURTEEN POEM # 14 24 HOUR POEM MARATHON DONUTS Donuts need a hole, A dozen my goal. Favorites have glaze, Eat four to amaze. Pastry my down fall, I can eat them all. Half dozen to start, They soon will depart. Cream filled to…

Black and Red and Blue

Such innocent white blossoms call to children Staining fingers, cut, scratched, swollen Black and Red and Blue As they wrestle Mother Nature for pie filling     by Karen Sullivan Form: Free Verse, Color Poem


He said He was for real He wanted to court me He would not cheat on or hurt me He lied

Big Red

Big Red squeeze it, bite it, savor it, cut it, fry it, season it juices dripping sticky lips, face and hands slurp it drink it take it in By: KMH 2015

Groomed For Gunshots

Regimented robots Being groomed for gunshots, It wouldn’t be acceptable To reject a less delectable Dish if the orders were given, And the food had been served – Who on Earth Did you think you were? You’d have to learn your lesson. And yet the…

I’m already gone

Bold steps mark my wake down this chosen path. A path that few do take, yet fewer ever last. Fear and doubt guard either side and wait patiently. For that single slip of rejection that comes eventually.   This path is harsh and filled with peril….


Food is my lover It’s my best friend Sweetening & buttering me up Foodie until the end Knows it’s a betrayer yet goes on with its charade Satisfying my cravings Throughout the day SALIVA springs up Taste buds desire flavor Eating whatever I want The…

Hour 13

A difference Graze upon wisdom, feast on prudence And gather vows of condolence Diminish differently sought understanding And answer desires demanding When difference sprouts here in Defy all rules, betray all kin And restore again your reign mighty And let your words be known rightly…