It’s All Good

It isn’t so bad Really It’s just one of those things One of those moments in life One of those steps you take One of those mountains you fall off of You know where you hit rocks with your head You break a leg or…


I met Finnegan when I was four and he was cowering against the side of his shelter kennel; His colleagues pranced, as if to say “Somebody, anybody, spring me from this joint!” But Finnegan was as placid as  a monk contemplating the Dao; It worked;…


slithering along dragging a half~eaten lump of flesh behind me   fallen from inside me where the love used to live i claw through stone   handful after handful of cold death~dirt i cast behind me   my only light the fading glow of my…


Most of my day is spent on couches and beds under blankets, or on cushions, asleep, as I am a senior aged thirteen. I love to play and run around but I get tired twice as quickly though I still run fairly fast. Sometimes I…

A Species Braided

Millennia have eroded the once great giants of prehistory into watered down effigies of what their ancestors once were. While time transformed the lands, the climates, and the creatures into museum pieces, we have pulled one another through. Through the murky uncertainty that both is…

The Bohemian

a wandering soul lost in a world of his own a vagabond perhaps, a kindred spirit moving free from a world of chaos, he dares to be different from a sea of fools trying to fit in. an era of madness illusions of a perfect…

Poem #11: Dilettante

Dilettante You buy the used books to treasure what others could not, but scavenge for the comfort fumbling away, as if on a fishing pole, or the newspaper read by the whirlwind. Bite your fingertips, go ahead—you cannot gnaw away all the years your palms…

Code (11)

The hieroglyphics are etched into the bones. Messages from the past lives or carrying instructions into the future. Linquist? Anthropologist? Who shall read the symbols as they were intended or as they prophesize? Doctors? Physicists? Who can explain these stories on my bones, in my…

Poem #10: Cremated Breath

I want to know the method, the character of her breath, the manufacturing of her lungs, how words blend with her artful smoke. The most valuable pricetag in a packet of sugarcane wrapped atmosphere staining her outline, inside out. Her mouth running, that smell of…