
With my heart tucked into my pocket I flew into the massive city of San Francisco where petrified giants and delicious cacophony consumed me In that city I met beautiful women, with delicious skin, blonde hair,and blue eyes that pierced my soul When I wasn’t…

Hour Seven: The Apron Dress

My mother’s clothes always smelled of yeast and flour, cinnamon sugar and vanilla. For years I thought her apron was sewn onto her dress. She never took it off, except on Sundays, when church was mandatory. Daddy, her husband, had been ordained although he secretly…

Petal on a rose

When a drop rain falls on a rose. It melts the petal. Just like our life . When a petal from a tear that falls on a rose. The rose was from a love that is gone. When a drop of rain falls on a…


 You most vain a mere reflection without any warmth, feeling or regard cold, sharp, clear, unforgiving attention seeking never seizing witness of the beauty, tenderness, anger, and sorrow of each heart  large and rotund you hang there each and every day when I leave, you seem…

Long May It Wave

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple; The Pride flag flutters exactly as a flag should on a San Francisco afternoon in June; The fingers of each of its stripes caress the blue sky It waves with the triumphant spirit of possibility which, for many of us,…

The Sun

It’s a great picture It really is Tall gray-stoned wall Reaching around a sweet meadow scene A happy tree waving at you But the picture is over exposed Really, the sun did not cooperate It just shows up there Ruining the whole scene   The sun is…


Rocking into the dimly fading light Confusion swirling like falling powder Soft etherial haze of coming night   The chiffon grey of each passing hour Clouding the sedulous plans promise made Before the fog endeavored to devour   by Karen Sullivan Form: Terza Rima  …

Keep Calm..

Read it once, Read it twice, Read it thrice, You will find..   Why the birds sing, Whose phone did ring The guy who cried, Why are you so shy..   The questions, not asked, could be answered really fast..   Keep going, Have patience,…

Honey, Honey

You don’t care about me I give and give and give You take and take and take Poisoned my flesh with your selfish ways I can’t breathe I’m weak, I’m tired Need my honey, my elixir, my life One day you will wakeup and I’ll…

#7bis – Grow

Invisible filaments Connect invisibly All visible beings   Very tiny hooks Everywhere On all surfaces   Connect all dots On all stuffs Without being seen   What are you doing Behind the scene That grows you   Why don’t you show it all To the…