Sam Vimes’ Kyrielle

With rolling gait to last throughout the day On cobblestones trod many times before The copper’s beat, that old familiar way On night patrol, in company with Law The titles to my name are so much sham For making idiots react with awe My mirror…

My Sister

She doesn’t wake me up Stays awake with me The master of all chores She helps in mine too..   Youger than me keeps me cheerful behaves like an elder sometimes but hugs me like a child..   We are totally mean Just in fights…

Go Fish!

A perilous journey unfolds, when fish go fishing Elderfish gather at schools to share wise water wisdom Choose your morsels wisely, little fry and fingerling Watch your float and floundering And above all else, Beware the shiny shrimp dancing and dangling


Oh how beautiful That gaze is benign I wonder who it– Oh no, wait, it’s mine Narcissus only loves Narcissus I stare at this pool Admiring myself Who could resist me? No man, god, nor elf Narcissus only loves Narcissus I call out to me…

Woman of substance

There’s no words the could truly describe you. As time passes I keep discovering more quality in your personality. Your actions speaks loud them words. Your love speak with actions. How you carry yourself through life it self is pure value to the life we…

“Liar, Cheater, Heathen” (Hour 5)

Liar, cheater, heathen, are the only words they’re breathing, while the laws are so deceiving, thinking it will be relieving, to continue believing our old ways, even if it was all just a phase, given to us by ones following some strange craze, but these…

“The Bones Speak”

I watched the girl as she waded knee deep in the swamps and reefs. I watched as she was flailing in the bushes. How could I not? She made enough ruckus to raise the dead. Her feeble attempts to pry the chest from my fingers…

Some of my Stage Experience #5/24

#5/24 Some of my Stage Experience The best written script from which I have played lead is an intriguing, unpredictable tale of an odd woman at the age of 50 who is living almost alone, but not really alone enough for what she needs to…

Fifth poem

I love the big man. He’s loving and kind. And when I say, “hold you,” I know that he’s mine. We like to blow bubbles And go out for walks. I’ll point out the airplanes Or pull off my socks. You’ll find us both covered,…

Haiku(s) (5)

Sometimes I am sad Green-eyed cri de coeur hasten down pale Irish cheeks. When my third eye sees the beauty of your old soul my heart skips a beat. Ennui as quicksand your hand pulls me to safety blood moon guards us both.