Poem 4/24 – The Ice

Poem 4 – The Ice Her hands were as cold as her silicone armour mould Tightly embracing her flesh Our love was forbidden, unspoken How we thought it would not be awoken Her world, light years away How did we become a part of this…


Two poems each hour easier said than done but possible working on number six should be on seven and eight it will happen my muse is overwhelmed at my confidence put pen to paper number six done a poem- not exactly a post, yes!

Hour 4: Us

If you and I and them and me; and that and this and those and these; and they and it and he and she; and ye and thee were naught but ‘We’ Not one or two or even three, Might not our purpose stronger be?

A Day at the Flea

The fog is slowly lifting I feel it whispering to me “two hours west” Promises of a good morning with rich coffee The Bay beckons to grand adventure at The Treasure Island Flea. Anticipation and glee fuel my drive through the valleys and passes Wind…

Poem #4

Why can’t I get your voice out of my head? It would be easier if all of it was the horrible stuff. The sounds of you screaming, throwing things or people to the ground. The moments where all I could do was crawl under a…


Black dot on my hand… (After hours I read my first “grown-up” book, Treasure Island, and I dream…) Black dot on MY hand? What kind of dream is this? Sandy toes squishing muck as I search for glints of gold in soft moonlight and find…

Poem 4

Old man, cane in his right hand, Old woman, cane in her left. Leaving church, sharing prayers, turn to look at each other, a smile on their lips, laughter in their eyes, their free hands joined in the middle, bridging their hearts across years of…

A World Weary Web

I have a world weary web under each eye. Sometimes I want them flattened. But along each thread, travel the things I have seen the wants I have felt the needs I have forgotten. Splaying out like questing fingers onto my still young-enough cheeks they…