
The sun fades into twilight settling on the horizon the moon appears low in the sky climbing slowly as a beacon. darkness encompasses all stars twinkle, holes in the sky reflections of kindness and love.

(Hour 3)

Darkness is rising, while the moon is colliding, with the sun, there’s no where left for you to run, you’re done, finished, nothing left but an empty shell, welcome to this world you created, this place that I have hated, the longer I existed, the…


What would I give to keep you dear to live in love with no fear where would I lie should you fall away unable to face the coming day   How could I move without your love? how could I breathe? When you’re the best…

Angling for Some Tangling – Poem for Hour 3

Cast a line and see where it falls, Because it’s the unknown that really enthrals You – admit it, You don’t want a’ hook, line and sinker’ – You want more of a freethinker So you’ll need the right bait – You’ll need to create…


Morning love sun rays glow nature awakens birds sing chipmunks scamper looking for seeds and bugs yum to some.


Compliments hang, speared On subtly barbed comments, Disguising deadly intent. Weave between the lines, Better to be a cold fish Than a terrible warning Prompt: Fishing Form: Sedoka


Why is this? Where does all this doubt creep in? I want to write for the sheer joy in it Don’t want to write deep for the hurt it brings in me The g-police are sure to get me I compare and then I’m mad…


I write poetry to empty my emotions I’m not even aware of the baggage until I write it out- what’s happening in my life and the lives around me I journal If I go too long with out- sludge builds up and motivation gets stuck….


(inspired by David L. Wilson’s poem) Boxes I have known several My Dad was the first All neatly encased when I got there The work already done I lifted him up We all did He was light Hard to imagine A whole life in one…