Three Hundred Feet Down

The Golden Gate guards the Bay; And when her currents and tides are mocked; When her fog is not properly feared She slams the door shut on ships that dare to cross Which is why after the City of Rio de Janerio dared to  molest Fort Point It…

Underwater Freedom (Poem 1/24)

I move with the currents. I dance with the seaweed. I wrestle with the fish and float with the whales. I move my hands through the cool, crisp water as I dive deeper and deeper into the darkness of the sea. There is no fear…

You Give Me Sleepless Nights

I am drawn to your pure illumination Though darkness fills up the air My thoughts always bring me back to these nights Though I can’t close my eyes to be numb and just rest. My mind brings me to a black hole of oblivion The…


There is a coursing wave throughout the fine parts of my frame, where the fish schools come to investigate the mystery of my death. They don’t make much of it anymore–they are used to the sight of rotted bones after millennia of foreign beings crashing…

Hour One

Here we begin, our challenge awaits A marathon of words, thoughts, ideas, beliefs Let the chaos begin! Good luck and Godspeed!  

Poem #1: Shapeshifter

Sometimes I wish I could melt like ice And then freeze back together To form a new shape. Then when things got too hot I could take a different shape And start again.

Poem 1

I stand at the shore Waving my hand To those who Have embarked on The journey I am not invited Like quicksilver, Their smiles, faces, Voices, hands, mannerisms Disappear into the fog, Toward sunrise, sunset, Rise up to the stars Of the navy night sky….

Poem #1: Russian Spy Lady

“Russian Spy Lady” She checked out, clairvoyantly, books about cooking and Russian history, sixteen dollars in overdue fines, and left as quick as the bells on the front door handle ceased chiming. Without and accent, Rosalind Russell grin; given four weeks, her heels will clap…

Out of Control

You are here and there and everywhere A panic induced nightmare you crave Sweeping throughout your body like a wave Reality ripping and you tear A shedding of your skin and you feel bare Darkness suffocating you like a cave Aching, dying; a Love you…

Poem #1

How do we know what’s truly in our minds? There are innumerable flickers of thoughts through our skull mush, Memories, intuitions, interpretations. Even we, who supposedly own ourselves, Cannot track, cannot contemplate every individual nerve ending and electronic pulse that shoots across our neurons. It…