
Hour 15 – 9:00 PM    Let me breath. Can’t catch a break. I’m a mess, on the near edge of greatness. Won’t rest till I conquer the latest. Achievements are blessing disguised in distress. – J.C.  ©

My house

My house Grows in the trees With flowers and moss On the roof Chickens and geese Live so near I can hear them clucking And hooting In their dreams The wind sighs Through the branches Rough pine bark Is only a hands breadth Away Sap…

Martha Stewart and My Raw Chicken

I learned how to cut up a raw chicken 27 years ago by watching Martha Stewart on TV. I spread waxed paper on the table and grabbed a kitchen knife, The wrong kind, of course. How was I to know the difference between a butcher…

The answers to the questions

Cometh this day Together with the divine   Fear not you will be led and directed to The place of the answers to the questions That you ask   Fear not, trust these answers will Come at times when things fall from the sky as…

Poem 16

I reach my hand into a box At first I feel nothing Then I feel another hand It grabs my hands At first gentle but gets tighter Then it starts to pull my hand Into the box I start to go When it lets go…

Castle Walls and Secret Halls.

I hugged against the stone cold bricks, As lanterns lit my way, The darkness in the corners, Had never seen the light of day, My steps rung out beneath me, Bouncing free from wall to wall, But still I dared continue down, The endless castle…


i carve out intricate pieces of you- a twinkling eye a chiseled jaw a strong hand two long legs i melt your pieces together make you whole again the way you make me when i’m with you.

Right Practice

Clouds cleared revealing sunshine right practice, right skill ( on Reiki Precept- be honest)

Connected Everywhere

If I went there Where would I be? Would I be Here or there? One in the same No time domain Connected Everywhere.