“It’s Eight, And Little Red’s In The Hood”

“Hey girl, where you going?” Sun’s hardly gone down, And the wolves are out and about already.   “Stranger, Danger!,” I remember. Head down, looking on the ground, Make no eye contact, quick steps away.   But they circle me, taunting rapidly. There’s just no…

Lessons in Life

Lessons remain unlearnt Woe is me comes gushing forward in Every direction Anger and pain fill the air Closely followed by a moan of self-pitying A cry for help! A pointless exercise in futility A road lays before you what are you choosing for yourself?…


like a whisper chases its shadow,around a domed gallery made of stonewe leap-frog from liaison to liaison, yetin the end, as at the start – are left alone (will you be my gallery, my whisper, or will you just leave me lonesome?)

Parallels and Obsessions Poem 11

Robin Williams died He killed himself Hung himself On that horrible date The anniversary Of when she did it Years ago When she died She killed herself Hung herself At 25 Parallels obsessions I read article After article Why did he do it What brought…


Chilled icicles fall, shattering near the ground they Wound a small child.

Poem 14

You make me happy When all else fails I turn to you You laugh at my jokes When I make a joke of something You laugh not get mad You are my rock When I need to rant You let me tell you You are…

blissfully happy

i tell myself that you are blissfully happy i breathe that mantra into my lungs like air to keep me away from the phone away from the memories i tell myself that you have everything you need exactly where you are and that your space…

My Best Friend Poem 10

I feel you in my mouth Murky soft Hint of vanilla Slight froth You have become my best friend I live for our moments together You pick me up When I pick you up You fill me with sweet love Sip after sip after sip…

The Bering Sea

I don’t know much about the Bering Sea Except that it’s cold Deep Dangerous Everything I know is from television Fishermen turned TV stars Everyday men doing deadly work Weather that drives it all Everything I know is from television Except that you’re there At…