The magic we own..

We all are different Still united We do the same Still divided The affection we feel Times we deal The distance is far Still we are connected World is round Magic is known This land made by us Is what we own..

To My 20-Year-Old Self

Don’t worry so much. You’re smart and you’re beautiful. You are.   Don’t work so much. You’ll have enough to live. You will.   Don’t eat so much. It won’t fill that emptiness you feel. It won’t.   Trust your instincts. That quiet, still voice…

He was Anybody

I once knew a man named “Anybody” He was always hanging around. Homeless, and weak with exhaustion, “Anybody” barely made a sound. His shoes were filled with holes, Laces shredded by age. Feet blistered from “Anybody’s” travels, “Anybody” hadn’t slept in days. Putrid aroma, lingered…

A Play on Words

All I want to do is make love with my eyes, to the pages of dictionaries. Cum off of words with newfound meanings. Slowly rise and climb climaxes as I lick the tip of my finger to turn the page. The world stops spinning, I’m…


I saw it down the telescope, The last decaying ray of hope, Glinting in the setting sun, Confirming that the end had come, Sat there in the browning grass, Light caught it like a shard of glass, The ground around it caught ablaze, An ode to…


He allowed himself to be carried away by the massive hallucinations he had produced and why not? he asked of the wallpaper and drapes bees fly, birds glide, balloons loft and pollen….disperses so too my sights my visions shall smear across the sky shattering the…


Maybe I could just write the million times I say clean you room or put that away or don’t do that my thoughts couldn’t penetrate anything more maybe the delight in this hour comes from my kids since I’m laughing that I turned my frustration…

The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics

Part VI It’s never over, conflict – the war fought between mind and action; a bird flutters helplessly near a puddle, should he drink before he tries to fly, or die? should he release his spirit to the open sky? he dips his beak into…

for maya (dedication to maya angelou)

you were not afraid to share your dreams to show us how to be born from the dirt and grow tall, stretching always towards the light. you were the sister who told her truth leaned on oaks and let the wind carry you. i have…


truisms and cliché: brother of sleep, our common fate, (be not proud); no one here gets out alive. tamam.