Hour 7: The Mango Orchard

Welcome, dear guest Tired from the long way Welcome to this Mago Orchard Where you can stay   And look at the wondrous sight Of jewels hanging from trees tall Emeralds and Sapphires with sheen of gold Upon earth, they do fall   So stay…


The afternoon is easy to love walking just so between displays of the middling and spectacular Desire is natural as the light down the hall or So. Cali’s June gloom daring us to wander deep in urgency and twitches to interrupt lunch or shopping or…

Hour 7: You and I

You and I We suffer for art But my heart It aches For your sake It withers, engulfed in agony Blistered, burned, bound To the words you surround Of lies and battered Tattered copies of unread pages Ages, Ago I would have bled less Said…

Hour 7

Redefining normal   I am not really normal, I am different! If everybody else wears black, I wear colours. Because I am painting with words, because I am a creative dreamer, because I embroider thoughts, thoughts that see life on rainbows!

Hour 7 – Normal (text prompt)

What if What if What if I was Normal? Well We know We know We know I’m not Normal. No one normal asks What if they were Normal? Because They are They are They are boring. Normal people let the world shape them But What…


She bounces around like a Tigger, full of energy and fun doggy vigor. Her eyes shine with smart laughter and sweet loving trust as she brings her favorite toys out to play. She will do most anything for a treat or bite of food, and…

HOUR 8 Woeful Waltz

Woeful Waltz As the sheets dampen beneath our salacious accord he makes his request, Queen of the predators to choose the king’s deserving prey. As our bodies merge once more, minds spinning in destruction’s lust, Queen of the predators contemplates her offering. Thoughts of our…

Hour 7 – Froggy

Have you ever touched a frog? They seem so peaceful. Do you think frogs like being pet? I’ve heard they keep spiders like we keep cats. Do you think, gathered at the frogpond, The frogs pull out their wallets And coo and croak over tadpole…

Untold Stories – hour 6

There’s no place like home With a coffin of glass In a magical forest Where they grieve as they pass For knowledge is poison And love was a lie There’s no kiss to wake her Just tears left to cry For each life she touched…

Hour 7_ tongue…

tongue tinged with sarcasm loathe to remove her mask (no, not talking about the pandemic) sick and so tired of people saying That’s the way the world is, honey. Integrity a hollow promise for tomorrow always tomorrow Today a steady panic of almost-enough too late…