Chaos real – hour 20

Eternity. The orchestra of an insidious being. A manifestation born of an insipid creation. Mortals desperate to match the melody of forever. Unable to manifest the nature of seeing. That they could ever grasp a predetermination. The magnitude of the symphony’s endeavour.

Hold My Hand

Hour Nineteen 3:45 Dizdain Form Will you hold my hand as time passes on, or will you let go and lead me to fall? Will you remain with me in breaking dawn, or will you balk and lead me to nightfall? Will you love above…

Hour 20 – The Routine

Waking up before the sun’s first blush Opening the sand papery eyes The puppetry morning routine begins Looking less drowsy than a zombie Splashing cold water with a lack of expression That pale inmate face polishing the addiction Going about the morning chores Keeps me…

Hour 20, Poem 26

Iron wall Strong and sturdy I can’t see the top From down here Iron wall Between me and my dreams It won’t even dent No matter what I do Iron wall I will scale you Sooner than later I will be there Iron wall On…

Formulas Followed hour 19

Formulas Followed Our first dog, Klondike, wore a blue collar. Our second dog, Xerox, wore a red collar. Our third dog, Nestle, wore a purple collar. It’s only took me 36 years to realize we followed the formula red + blue = purple. Some years…


Lover of icy winds winds, Lover of snow, Lover of attire covered with coarse cloth, Wide boots, Freezing days, Cloudy skies, Dry sunshine and lots of beauty.

Ratatouille (a nonet) – Hour 16, prompt 16

Sliced tomatoes, zucchini, squash, we in circles, patterns numbered three red, yellow, green, bake and boil drizzled with olive oil olive, garlic, see finish thee a treat Oui!   – Sandra Johnson, 9-3-2023  

KALEIDOSCOPE (hour xvii)

The light and the dark face everyone all the time Multiple reflections and all colors in between make all of it appear like lime Creation won’t pamper you into a choice, it’s all up to you Think, like a poet; choose, like a lender; endeavor…

Hour 20 – Disrupted Sleep

Going to bed every night is such a treat I lotion up my body, floss and brushes Then jump in bed, nestle up to sleep But today, every hour or so my alarm rushes Prompt for Hour Twenty

Hour 20 text prompt

Write a poem about a routine or ritual that is part of your life. It can be something like making coffee every morning, or something like attending religious services once a week. Pet the cat at bedtime No matter when it be Lay flat upon…