Recipe for Time by Mrs. J hour 2

Ingredient # 1:faith Ingredient# 2:knowledge Ingredient #3:understanding Ingredient # 4: patience Ingredient # 5: doubt Faith is the substance of things hoped for but evidence not seen knowledge is known facts, skills or information understanding is the ability to understand something or comprehend and is…


‘And then it was time to start uphill toward another morning and another home.’ I have never walked uphill toward morning morning, to me is always on the downhill the easy coast homeward after taking full advantage of the solace of nighttime Heading for home,…

Morning Mercy

Flowing warmth washes away the things left undone – a fresh start to the day.   I inhale the scents rising up in the steam. I give thanks for each day. As I wash my soul clean.

#12 Unrequited Love

Unlucky in love I’ve always been, Invisible to all the women I’ve held dear, But I’m a romantic – what can I do? One day, I’ll surely meet my lover. I may have even met her already, I wonder if Susan is ‘The One’, Or…

Season of the Virus

Season of the Virus The ancestor rises again In its atavistic moment Blanket spreads the entire humanity Before one could forment Swaths of territory won As we face our gravest reality Hour 7 @varenyas

Prompt 12: Our Inner Skeptic

That way, concluded the Interviewer, you can tell if a buyer is a buyer. And, what if he’s not a buyer? This question came from two rows behind me. I had seen the guy changing his tie to one he’d bought in the lobby. The…

farewell to arms

What you gave me was was the ability to rise in the morning. Enveloped me Consoled me Never asked for too much. I became a baby at baptism Pure and carried up to blisses of heaven, just for a moment. Take me back and let’s…

Prompt 12 ~ Post #12 Essence of Time

Ever notice how time flies continually through our life. Some with unending joy others with grief and strife. Only by experiencing the highs and then the lows. Will we be able to cherish the good and let the others go. So before all slips away…

Hour 12: Steel, As You Probably Know

I am made of steel made of nails and invincible. Keep going. Stop and I will find as you probably know I am an alloy based in iron Prone to rust and decay I don’t want to be reminded

Dreaming Reality (hour 12, prompt 12)

We were wrapped in innocence In someone else’s dream Somewhen (in another time) But nothing’s ever as it seems The reality is the nightmare And innocence, the past So long ago I can’t recall When loss first came to pass For even as a child…