
  Misgiving Emotions are fleeting, but leave shadows in their wake. They follow stalk-eyed, peering through magnified lenses–watching as you undress. the folds of clothing fall in crumpled heaps and the voices slither from them, drumming the ear like fingers on a table. waiting patiently…

Where I want to be

Where I want to be is fill with lovely trees and meadows that are beautiful green. Maybe it is in Germany or maybe somewhere that is fictional it seems. Fictional land that is set in the future or fantasy. Maybe set in the four nations…

What in the Dickenson

Awakened, ye muses at hour 9 Creativity spell burned divine   Music Sing! Moon shadow Strain or is it a Refrain?   Halfway there No need to fear   We will make it through the night My dear  

New Territories

I’ve never been to Kansas Or been swept up in a wind. I’ve never seen Loch Murington Or had my collar pinned. But neither place is near to me And neither method known For taking my heart dear to me Or riding a cyclone.

#9 Uncut Umbilical (prompt9)

Isn’t it strange what life can bring? Here today, tomorrow has gone away. What would be a purpose? Of those young breaths, thrive in a moment, and suddenly cut short What a shame could be, As a mask of life unveiled Zoom.. larger and more…

With you, My Friend, by my side She thought and kept everything aside With you, My Friend, the bond so tight She thought and she could fight With you, My Friend, and all the mess She thought and she felt blessed but, The one she…

Justice Over Equality

For too long, they’ve accepted the bitter fruit. You’ve subjugated them to an unequal seat, And for years, they’ve been waiting patiently, Hidden in the back room. They’ve taken the scraps you’ve thrown out, Yet they’ve created something of their own. They’re a proud, vigilant,…

H,12 – CEO

I climbed the heart of the world Every rocky step, clinging to its worn surface, Above the red desert, the mountains and into the tower, where the soul is, I become real here, a god, watching over the action below. My thoughts raining down, calling…