An Anaphora for Frank

“The past draped about us like a cloak.” Diana Khoi Nguyen I don’t want to fall out of love with you. A chapter of my life I don’t want to end. It’s over you’re gone and all I have is this empty page. My emotions…

Hour 1 poem

WRITING A POEM ON POEM Today I must write a poem on poem Should I search on Google for inspiration? That is not a creative solution It will only lead to cheating and frustration What should my poem pattern be? Or should I first go…


The words delete as fast as l type pages that should be drowning in ink stare back blankly l blink with confusion Chocking on promises made but can’t keep

Dashed (Prompt 1)

Late at night, driving through wilderness a little shack, glowing with light beacon in middle of nowhere – cue theremin The road diverges on either side of the shack I am headed in, does anyone ever come out? I stop, maybe a hundred feet short…

Hello World!

Looking forward to this! 🙂 Have a rewarding and satisfying Marathon everyone.  

I- Passage

A watchful eye hopeful, lingering through the night on grayed hair falling, landing unexpected, invasive Heavy steps in creaking hallways Sagging skin draped from tired eyes The pale rider catches my gait, sees me lurking bitterly in the shadows He stops, observes then carries on…

I want to run away

I want to run away to a place that I can hide, In a desert where I can touch softness of sand, In a forest where I can hug the animals passing bye, In a coffee farm where I can grow my own plants, On…

Hour #1: Giving Up on the Blue Moon

We celebrated, the four of us, with Moon Food— ball shaped white rice mochi, slightly sweet and round crackers with white cheese spread. We toasted with white wine and one woman read a moon poem. We ate salmon spread on black rice crackers, confetti  …


She said; I don’t like the story, I replied, no this is poetry. The sun had disappeared behind a cloud Life is stupefaction, a test of temptation. Verily misplaced, perhaps displayed. I know I can’t do it but I’ve to try Is wedding a wrath…