Hour 23

There is a 2nd world out there No oxygen to sustain no plant and animal life just dry and deserted the land is arid. For endless stretches Continuing on and on. Abysmal sunlight throughout the day and night with no concept of time. We are…

Hour 22 Pizza Flavoured Kiss

Pizza flavored kiss I gazed at her lips longingly, Desiring a taste Her smile seduced me. I went in for a kiss Her lips tasted of wine and last night’s pizza that we shared. And now everytime, I eat pizza I can taste her in…

Hour 20 Routine

I wake up first thing in gthe morning to dismiss the multitudes of alarms I set for myself Followed by scrolling through some reels til my heart’s content. once I resent myself for wasting almost an hour comfortably tucked under my sheets Reels have unwittingly…

Hour 19

I’m exhausted and strung out. I am having to express myself inarticulately Which under normal circumstances would flow right through me in an effortless manner. Right now all the words are on strike Resisting, and uncoperative with all my pleas. Emotions have run amuck as…

Hour 18 Haunting

I am lost in the woods. I am trying to find my way home. I do not have any memories. I do not know how I got here. But, I am pretty sure I didn’t come here on my free will. I can hear cries…

Hour 17 Prompt 17 Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope – Perspectives matter Perspectives rarely change However, to live life fully We must be fluid and open to recieving and observing What surrounds us. Dare to Look beneath the surface To gaze into the soul. Ask the difficult questions. Sit with uncomfortable and confronting…

Hour 16 The apology

I should’ve said this sooner I am sorry… it’s too late however I am sorry. I am sorry that my pride was too big to see past your intentions. I am sorry that I went about it in an arrogant manner. like whether you existed…

Hour 14 A redacted Poem

This is my redacted poem an ode to all the unsaid words blacked out on paper. Read between the lines and relate to what you can. Rest is open to interpretation.   You can find my redacted words in the scrunched up paper in the…

Hour 13

Lessons nursing has taught me. Show empathy – for you never know what a person may be going through. smile and take your time – break it down. May your actions radiate genuine intention. Sometimes listening is all you can do. Be present. No need…

Hour 10

What is love? Couples and families with children facing each other eating at the dinner table talking about their day. Cells phones switched off or out of the picture. Love is being present in the moment. Being grateful for their presence. Sharing conversations about mundane…