Poem IX: Palettes and Paintings

The colour of modesty is rouge. It is the shade of the clouds as it witnesses the consummation of two skies; The colour of your thoughts on my skin; Blossoming roses when I sigh your remembrance to the winds; my palms pressed in prayers for…

Night of a Deadly Howl

It was written that night would grow teeth unfriendly to mortals and suck their blood. What would be left the prophet calls dust. I read: when it touches the ground, it’d blend with it. What is memory if not a symphony of circumspect? I cut…

Night Crawler

Have you ever wondered why is he is the way he is Have you ever thought why you never see him during the day but at night He has been called many names worst names Some call him vampire others call him the nightcrawler If…

Self Portrait

Self Portrait Neither the fame of sun nor the notoriety of moon I am just an unnamed star entrenched deep into the night and flickers there Hour 19 @varenyas

Just be Still

Just be Still …Just be still, and listen the mottled wishes are rioting below the molten magma the basalt heart cannot hold longer the spirit is to fly soon and then, a new life will be invented Hour 18 @varenyas

A Broad Mixture of Words

wasn’t a burden transcribed for us. Most times, it’s not  weight that sink a ship. I know you do not like reading what was scribbled for us. I think you knew more children that I know. The cold is not leaving us soon. It has…

Let Me

Let Me I am begging: Let me be lonely but not invisible Let me be single but not divisible your infinity palm let me hold your golden eyes let me behold dawn to dusk your charm spreads highs and lows your feet treads your words…

People like Judas

(a poem including a line by Neil Gaiman) “One of you will betray me,” Messiah said. He’s right. Books were safer than other people anyway. Sometimes, it’s what Judas did to his master that makes me wallow in solitude instead of walking a lonely bridge…


(for hour 17)     Balancing   A kind woman in my MeWe homesteading group said, “I don’t have to pull all the weeds, just the weed in front of me.” Her words in reverse on a black computer monitor resonated deeply within me, vibrating…

Mood Swings

Often based on worries Unrelenting mind thinkers Refusing sleep and laughter Even liquor can’t cure Miserably increasing It’s normal to be in that mood Yet affecting others is cruel I don’t feel like talking I don’t want to be disturbed Silent mode activated No calls…

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